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Dillon Tickets

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About Dillon

Born in Brasil and based in Berlin, Dominique Dillon de Byington alias Dillon has always had a clear vision of her art. She already has already released two albums which she regards as one body of work, since they tell a coherent story. This has always been apparent in her live shows, which are carried by an interchange between the dark-melodic songs of both albums. „When I started writing my second album „The Unknown“ I knew that it was the continuation of „This Silence Kills“ both musically as well and content wise.” 2016 both albums were brought together in form of the live album „Live at Haus der Berliner Festspiele“ in which Dillon is accompanied by a women’s choir which she and her collaborator & co-producer Tamer Fahri Özgönenc composed. „I felt the need to work with vocals and to create a further additional layer that breathes between the electronics and I. I was very intrigued by this idea and so Tamer and I wrote and arranged a choir.” Dillon explains. In October 2017 this will be followed by a third studio album titled „Kind“, which Dillon refers to as an ‘album of love’ and, which this time, is entirely separated from her previous work. This fall she will be Mini Touring with it.

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