Since relaunching the band to the live circuit in 2021 with their new "Gary Numan"; frontman Chris Fielding, (Chris
appeared on the popular ITV show "Stars in their Eyes" as Gary Numan) Tubeway Days - The Gary Numan Live
Experience 1979/'80 have been thrilling audiencess with their stunning performances replicating the Gary
Numan early era classic songs in venues. around the UK
As the popularity of the band continues to grow so does the demand from many Gary Numan fans requesting a
show in their towns and cities, so it is pleasing for the team to finally reach Cardiff and give the Numan fans in the
city the show they have been requesting for some time.
Recreating the shows of the original Gary Numan 1979 and '80 tours is giving fans the opportunity to relive what
was the pinnacle of Numan's career and for those that missed out, then Tubeway Days are giving everyone the
chance to experience exactly what they were like in all their original synth dominating glory.
All the attention to detail to recreate the sounds, images and stage show of this early era of Numan history makes
this is a show not to be missed by any fan of Gary Numan and those pioneering bands when the sounds of
synthpop and the new electronic music ruled the charts and airwaves.