Home Comedy & Spoken Word Emma Doran

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Emma Doran - Dilemma!

Saturday 1st March 2025
The Hub, Kilkenny The Hub
The Hub
Cillín Hill
Dublin Rd
R95 A4VP

Doors: 20:00

Emma Doran - Dilemma! tickets

Additional information

The Hub Kilkenny Presents: Emma Doran - Dilemma! 

It’s the post-apocalyptic world. There’s only one contraceptive pill left. Do you give it to your 19-year-old daughter or keep it for yourself? Is it better to be a 40-year-old grandmother or a 40-year-old new Mum. These are the dilemmas facing Emma Doran aged 39 and 7/8’s, even though the most obvious outcome is neither. If turning 40 is the start of something new, what is it the end of?  ... ah here, where’s me vape? 

Emma Doran is one of the most exciting stand-ups to emerge from these shores in years. She’s crammed so much into the last 20 years of her life that she is now officially the voice of 3 generations. 

“You’d be Mad to Miss Her” - Evening Standard.

“Pleasing Streak of Wickedness” - The Guardian

Ticket Information: 

General Admission Seating: €30.00(Incl. Booking Fee)  

14+ (under 14's to be accompanied by an adult)

Unreserved Seating
inc. fees • €3.00 Booking fee
€27.00 Face value
Approx: 652excellent_availability
Total cost €£0.00*
*May vary based on selected options in checkout


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Event information

The Hub Kilkenny Presents: Emma Doran - Dilemma! 

It’s the post-apocalyptic world. There’s only one contraceptive pill left. Do you give it to your 19-year-old daughter or keep it for yourself? Is it better to be a 40-year-old grandmother or a 40-year-old new Mum. These are the dilemmas facing Emma Doran aged 39 and 7/8’s, even though the most obvious outcome is neither. If turning 40 is the start of something new, what is it the end of?  ... ah here, where’s me vape? 

Emma Doran is one of the most exciting stand-ups to emerge from these shores in years. She’s crammed so much into the last 20 years of her life that she is now officially the voice of 3 generations. 

“You’d be Mad to Miss Her” - Evening Standard.

“Pleasing Streak of Wickedness” - The Guardian

Ticket Information: 

General Admission Seating: €30.00(Incl. Booking Fee)  

Venue information

The Hub
The Hub
Cillín Hill
Dublin Rd
R95 A4VP

circleDoors: 20:00
circleBegins: 20:30

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