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Alan Edwards Tickets

Alan Edwards tickets

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About Alan Edwards

Join the godfather of modern music PR Alan Edwards for an evening discussing his memoir, I Was There: Dispatches from a Life in Rock n’ Roll, detailing his work with everyone from Bowie to Blondie; the Rolling Stones to the Spice Girls; Prince to Amy Winehouse.

Published by Simon & Schuster on 6th June 2024, I Was There traces Edwards’ career from the thriving punk scene of 70s London, which inspired him to set up his own PR company, through his work with acts such as Blondie and the Rolling Stones, his collaboration with David Bowie over nearly four decades, his move into the pop world with the Spice Girls, and beyond.

In an intimate conversation, expect to find out more about all the entertaining tales of rock-star antics one might expect, but also dive further into Edwards’ fascinating observations about the brilliant artists he has worked with, and what makes them tick.

This event will give guests a unique opportunity to explore the rise of PR as a major force in British society from one of the trailblazers in the industry. Even as Edwards’ career takes off and allows him to play a crucial background role in the lives and careers of some of the world’s biggest stars, he retains a powerful sense of being an outsider – never forgetting how lucky he is to look back on decades of music and culture and say, "I was there".

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