Home Special Event 7th international Refocus on Recovery conference

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7th international Refocus on Recovery conference

Between Thursday 4th September and Friday 5th September 2025
Crowne Plaza, Nottingham Crowne Plaza
Wollaton Street

Doors: Thursday 4th September 2025 09:00


Important information

Cancellation policy - online event

Event details:

Conference theme 2025: ‘Reimagining Recovery

This year’s event will have a focus on 1) the role of lived experience in embedding and supporting recovery; 2) new perspectives around mental health and recovery; 3) extending recovery beyond mental health.


On 4th and 5th September 2025, the Recovery Research Team will host the 7th international Refocus on Recovery conference, in partnership with the Global Mental Health Peer Network, Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, ImROC, and the McPin Foundation.

We invite you to join us in the central Nottingham Crowne Plaza Hotel to “Reimagine Recovery”.


The conference will be organised around three themes, developed with our partners:

  • Theme 1 – The role of lived experience in embedding and supporting recovery
  • Theme 2 – New perspectives around mental health and recovery
  • Theme 3 – Extending recovery beyond mental health


Abstract Submission:

Abstracts can be submitted from 18th November  2024 - 28th February 2025.

Visit the Research into Recovery website for more details when this is open.


New for 2025: All accepted abstracts will be given a presentation slot, either as a 20-minute extended presentation, or as a 1-minute lightning talk. In selecting abstracts for inclusion, the conference scientific advisory board will seek to strike a balance between lived experience perspectives and empirical research studies, to create an outwards-facing conference that has value across the recovery research community.


We recognise that connecting with others is an important motivation for taking the time out to attend a conference. Our conference will feature substantial time for networking and community building, with initiatives to help integrate delegates who are attending the conference for the first time. We adopted this approach for our 2023 conference, and the feedback we received from delegates showed that time to talk with others was important.


Over 18s only

Full price
inc. fees • £0.00 Booking fee
£300.00 Face value
Approx: 162excellent_availability
Concessionary For local, voluntary and community interest groups, small charities, and self-help groups. Service users & carers who do not have access to funding through an institution/project funding can also purchase concessionary tickets.
inc. fees • £0.00 Booking fee
£150.00 Face value
Online Only Watch the event online for both days
inc. fees • £0.00 Booking fee
£60.00 Face value
Total cost ££0.00*
*May vary based on selected options in checkout


Looking to reedem your gift certifcate?

Your gift voucher number is needed later during the checkout process. Click here for more information

Event information

Cancellation policy - online event

Event details:

Conference theme 2025: ‘Reimagining Recovery

This year’s event will have a focus on 1) the role of lived experience in embedding and supporting recovery; 2) new perspectives around mental health and recovery; 3) extending recovery beyond mental health.


On 4th and 5th September 2025, the Recovery Research Team will host the 7th international Refocus on Recovery conference, in partnership with the Global Mental Health Peer Network, Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, ImROC, and the McPin Foundation.

We invite you to join us in the central Nottingham Crowne Plaza Hotel to “Reimagine Recovery”.


The conference will be organised around three themes, developed with our partners:

  • Theme 1 – The role of lived experience in embedding and supporting recovery
  • Theme 2 – New perspectives around mental health and recovery
  • Theme 3 – Extending recovery beyond mental health


Abstract Submission:

Abstracts can be submitted from 18th November  2024 - 28th February 2025.

Visit the Research into Recovery website for more details when this is open.


New for 2025: All accepted abstracts will be given a presentation slot, either as a 20-minute extended presentation, or as a 1-minute lightning talk. In selecting abstracts for inclusion, the conference scientific advisory board will seek to strike a balance between lived experience perspectives and empirical research studies, to create an outwards-facing conference that has value across the recovery research community.


We recognise that connecting with others is an important motivation for taking the time out to attend a conference. Our conference will feature substantial time for networking and community building, with initiatives to help integrate delegates who are attending the conference for the first time. We adopted this approach for our 2023 conference, and the feedback we received from delegates showed that time to talk with others was important.


Venue information

Crowne Plaza
Wollaton Street

Location north_east

local_parking Find parking near Crowne Plaza north_east
circleDoors: Thursday 4th September 2025 09:00
circleEnds: Friday 5th September 2025 16:00
bedFind accommodation near Crowne Plazanorth_east

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